ADDTOHEAD -- add HTML to the HTML head section of the current page

  • Useful for TWiki applications to add custom CSS or JavaScript to the HTML head section of a topic. Supplied TWiki variables will be expanded. %ADDTOHEAD{}% expands in-place to an empty string, unless there is an error in which case the variable expands to an error string.
  • Syntax: %ADDTOHEAD{ "..." text="..." }%
  • Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description:Sorted descending Comment:
topic="Web.TopicName" Name of topic that contains the full HTML text to add to the head section, such as topic="Main.MyCssTopic" Mutually exclusive with text=""
section="name" If topic parameter is used, includes only the specified named section, as defined in the topic by the STARTSECTION and ENDSECTION variables. Nothing is shown if the named section does not exists. section="" is equivalent to not specifying a section Optional
"..." ID of the head block, such as "MY_CSS" Optional but recommended
text="..." HTML text to add to the head section Mutually exclusive with topic=""
requires="..., ..." Comma-separated list of other IDs this one depends on Optional
r2 - 13 Sep 2013 - 00:05:38 - TWikiContributor
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