SAM-BA 3 subsections

Install SAM-BA software in your PC

In addition to the official SAM-BA pages on, we maintain information about SAM-BA in the SoftwareTools page.

ALERT! use SAM-BA 3.8.y onwards. You can download it here: SAM-BA 3.8 release page.

In addition to the Qt5 QML language for scripting used for flashing the demos, most common SAM-BA action can be done using SAM-BA command line.

For browsing information on the SAM-BA command line usage, please see the Command Line Documentation that is available in the SAM-BA installation directory: doc/index.html or doc/cmdline.html .

SAM-BA includes command line interface that provides support for the most common actions:

  • reading / writing to arbitrary memory addresses and/or peripherals
  • uploading applets and using them to erase/read/write external memories

The command line interface is designed to be self-documenting.

The main commands can be listed using the "sam-ba --help" command:

SAM-BA Command Line Tool v3.8
Copyright 2024 Microchip Technology

Usage: ./sam-ba [options]
SAM-BA Command Line Tool

  -v, --version                          Displays version information.
  -h, --help                             Displays this help.
  -t, --tracelevel <trace_level>         Set trace level to <trace_level>.
  -L, --applet-buffer-limit <SIZE>       Set applet buffer limit to <SIZE>
bytes (default 131072). -x, --execute <script.qml> Execute script <script.qml>. -p, --port <port[:options:...]> Communicate with device using <port>. -d, --device <device[:options:...]> Connected device is <device>. -b, --board <board[:options:...]> Connected board is <board>. -m, --monitor <command[:options:...]> Run monitor command <command>. -a, --applet <applet[:options:...]> Load and initialize applet <applet>. -c, --command <command[:args:...]> Run command <command>. -w, --working-directory <DIR> Set working directory to <DIR>.

Additional help can be obtained for most commands by supplying a "help" parameter that will display their usage.

For example "sam-ba --port help" will display:

Known ports: j-link, serial, secure

Command that take an argument with options (port, monitor, applet) will display even more documentation when called with "help" as option value.

For example "sam-ba --port serial:help" will display:

    serial                serial port (will use first AT91 USB if found otherwise first serial port)
    serial:COM80          serial port on COM80
    serial:ttyUSB0:57600  serial port on /dev/ttyUSB0, baudrate 57600

Run script to flash the demo

  • download the demo package for the board. They are marked as \"Media type: \" in the table above
  • extract the demo package
  • run your usual terminal emulator and enter the demo directory
  • make sure that the sam-ba application is in your Operating System path so that you can reach it from your demo package directory
  • for Microsoft Windows users: Launch the demo_linux_.bat file
  • for Linux users: Launch the file
  • this script runs SAM-BA 3 and the associated QML sam-ba script (demo_linux__usb.qml) with proper parameters
  • when you reach the end of the flashing process (this will take a few minutes), the following line is written:
    -I- === Done. ===
  • connect a serial link on DBGU and open the terminal emulator program as explained just above
  • power cycle the board

  • monitor the system while it's booting on the LCD screen or through the serial line

Connect the USB to the board before launching SAM-BA

  • Remove power from the board
  • JP9 must be opened (BMS=1) to boot from the on-chip Boot ROM

Cogent module Embest module Ronetix module
open *NCS jumper open SW1 switch (not ON position) open J1 and J2 jumpers
which is (are) located on the CPU module to prevent access to serial flash and NAND flash
  • power up the board
  • check whether the board is found in your PC as a USB device
    • For Microsoft Windows users: verify that the USB connection is well established
      AT91 USB to Serial Converter should appear in Device Manager. If it shows a unknown device you need to download and install the driver: AT91SAM USB CDC driver
    • For Linux users: check $percntGREEN$percnt/dev/ttyACMx$percntENDCOLOR$percnt by monitoring the last lines of dmesg command:
$percntINCLUDE{\"SambaSubsections\" section=\"cdc_acm\"}$percnt

Cogent module Embest module Ronetix module
close *NCS jumper close SW1 switch (move to ON position) close J1 and J2 jumpers
which is (are) located on the CPU module to re-gain access to serial flash and NAND flash

Connect the USB to the board before launching SAM-BA

  • Ensure SDCARD is not inserted and SPI, QSPI memories are not flashed
  • Make sure that J13 DISABLE BOOT jumper is kept open
  • $percntORANGE$percntpress SW4 DIS_BOOT button$percntENDCOLOR$percnt to disable NAND Flash memory access
  • Press SW3 nRST reset button to boot from on-chip Boot ROM
    • For Microsoft Windows users: verify that the USB connection is well established
      AT91 USB to Serial Converter should appear in Device Manager. If it shows a unknown device you need to download and install the driver: AT91SAM USB CDC driver
    • For Linux users: check $percntGREEN$percnt/dev/ttyACMx$percntENDCOLOR$percnt by monitoring the last lines of dmesg command:
$percntINCLUDE{\"SambaSubsections\" section=\"cdc_acm\"}$percnt

  • $percntORANGE$percntrelease the SW4 DIS_BOOT button$percntENDCOLOR$percnt to reactivate NAND Flash memory access

Connect the USB to the board before launching SAM-BA

  • $percntORANGE$percntShort the JP7 (BOOT_DIS)$percntENDCOLOR$percnt to prevents booting from Nand or serial Flash by disabling Flash Chip Selects
  • Connect a USB micro-A cable to the board (J11 5V-USB-A) to power up the board
  • $percntORANGE$percntOpen the JP7 (BOOT_DIS)$percntENDCOLOR$percnt to enable booting from Nand or serial Flash by enabling Flash Chip Selects
  • check whether the board is found in your PC as a USB device:
    • For Microsoft Windows users:* verify that the USB connection is well established
      AT91 USB to Serial Converter should appear in Device Manager. If it shows a unknown device you need to download and install the driver: AT91SAM USB CDC driver
    • For Linux users: check $percntGREEN$percnt/dev/ttyACMx$percntENDCOLOR$percnt by monitoring the last lines of dmesg command:
$percntINCLUDE{\"SambaSubsections\" section=\"cdc_acm\"}$percnt

Connect the USB to the board before launching SAM-BA

  • $percntORANGE$percntOpen JP5$percntENDCOLOR$percnt to disable NAND Flash memory access
  • Press BP2 reset button to boot from on-chip Boot ROM
  • $percntORANGE$percntClose JP5$percntENDCOLOR$percnt to enable NAND Flash memory access
    • For Microsoft Windows users: verify that the USB connection is well established
      AT91 USB to Serial Converter should appear in Device Manager. If it shows a unknown device you need to download and install the driver: AT91SAM USB CDC driver
    • For Linux users: check $percntGREEN$percnt/dev/ttyACMx$percntENDCOLOR$percnt by monitoring the last lines of dmesg command:
$percntINCLUDE{\"SambaSubsections\" section=\"cdc_acm\"}$percnt

Connect the USB to the board before launching SAM-BA

  • $percntORANGE$percntShort the JP9 (BOOT_DIS)$percntENDCOLOR$percnt to prevents booting from eMMC or serial Flash by disabling Flash Chip Selects
  • Connect a USB micro-A cable to the board (J23 A5-USB-A). It powers the board
  • check whether the board is found in your PC as a USB device:
    • For Microsoft Windows users: verify that the USB connection is well established
      AT91 USB to Serial Converter should appear in Device Manager. If it shows a unknown device you need to download and install the driver: AT91SAM USB CDC driver
    • For Linux users: check $percntGREEN$percnt/dev/ttyACMx$percntENDCOLOR$percnt by monitoring the last lines of dmesg command:
$percntINCLUDE{\"SambaSubsections\" section=\"cdc_acm\"}$percnt

  • $percntORANGE$percntOpen the JP9 (BOOT_DIS)$percntENDCOLOR$percnt to reactivate access to the on-board Flash devices

Connect the USB to the board before launching SAM-BA

  • $percntORANGE$percntOpen the JP8$percntENDCOLOR$percnt to prevents booting from NAND Flash by disabling Flash Chip Selects
  • Connect a USB micro-A cable to the board (J4 USB-A). It powers the board
  • check whether the board is found in your PC as a USB device:
    • For Microsoft Windows users: verify that the USB connection is well established
      AT91 USB to Serial Converter should appear in Device Manager. If it shows a unknown device you need to download and install the driver: AT91SAM USB CDC driver
    • For Linux users: check $percntGREEN$percnt/dev/ttyACMx$percntENDCOLOR$percnt by monitoring the last lines of dmesg command:
$percntINCLUDE{\"SambaSubsections\" section=\"cdc_acm\"}$percnt

  • $percntORANGE$percntShort the JP8$percntENDCOLOR$percnt to allow access to the on-board Flash devices

Connect the USB to the board before launching SAM-BA

  • Ensure SDCARD is not inserted
  • Make sure that J4 NAND BOOT jumper is kept closed
  • Press SW3 nRST reset button to boot from on-chip Boot ROM
    • For Microsoft Windows users: verify that the USB connection is well established
      AT91 USB to Serial Converter should appear in Device Manager. If it shows a unknown device you need to download and install the driver: AT91SAM USB CDC driver
    • For Linux users: check $percntGREEN$percnt/dev/ttyACMx$percntENDCOLOR$percnt by monitoring the last lines of dmesg command:
$percntINCLUDE{\"SambaSubsections\" section=\"cdc_acm\"}$percnt

Connect the USB to the board before launching SAM-BA

  • Ensure SDCARD is not inserted
  • Make sure that J8 NAND BOOT jumper is kept closed
  • Press RESET = reset button to boot from on-chip Boot ROM
    • For Microsoft Windows users: verify that the USB connection is well established
      AT91 USB to Serial Converter should appear in Device Manager. If it shows a unknown device you need to download and install the driver: AT91SAM USB CDC driver
    • For Linux users: check $percntGREEN$percnt/dev/ttyACMx$percntENDCOLOR$percnt by monitoring the last lines of dmesg command:
$percntINCLUDE{\"SambaSubsections\" section=\"cdc_acm\"}$percnt

SPI + eMMC Flash demo - Memory map


eMMC Flash demo

The layout of the eMMC Flash Demo is the same as on SD-Card.

NAND Flash demo - Memory map


$percntX$percnt use SAM-BA 3.8.y onwards. You can download it here: SAM-BA 3.8 release page.

$percntH$percnt If you need to store the root filesystem on a SD Card, use information contained in StroreRootFSonSD. This is useful for Linux4SAM demos older than 5.6.

$percntX$percnt use SAM-BA 3.5.y onwards. You can download it here: SAM-BA 3.x release page.

$percntI$percnt when choosing the board variant with the -b parameter of SAM-BA, the default PMECC configuration for the NAND populated on the board is valid. You can verify its value by running the command that reads one byte in a dummy file (named test.bin in the following command):

# sam-ba -p serial -b  -a nandflash -c read:test.bin:0:1
Opening serial port 'ttyACM0'
Connection opened.
Detected memory size is 536870912 bytes.
Page size is 4096 bytes.
Buffer is 20480 bytes (5 pages) at address 0x0020a240.
$percntORANGE$percntNAND header value is 0xc1e04e07.$percntENDCOLOR$percnt
Supported erase block sizes: 256KB
Executing command 'read:test.bin:0:1'
Read 1 bytes at address 0x00000000 (100.00%)
Connection closed.
You can figure out that the default PMECC parameter for this == board is $percntORANGE$percnt0xc1e04e07$percntENDCOLOR$percnt.

$percntH$percnt: Note that if you connect a serial console to the SoC RomCode default UART, you can see even more details about the NAND ECC parameters given by the SAM-BA Applet:

Applet 'NAND Flash' from softpack 3.8 (v3.8).
Initializing NAND ioSet1 Bus Width 8
PMECC configuration: 0xc1e04e07
Sector size: 512
Sectors per page: 8
Spare size: 224
ECC bits: 8
ECC offset: 120
ECC size: 104
PMECC enabled
Buffer Address: 0x0020a240
Buffer Size: 20480 bytes
NAND applet initialized successfully.

If you want to change the default PMECC parameters you can simply specify another value on the SAM-BA command line with the -a nandflash argument as shown below:

# sam-ba -p serial -b  -a nandflash:help
Syntax: nandflash:[<ioset>]:[<bus_width>]:[<pmecc_cfg>]
    ioset      I/O set
    bus_width  NAND bus width (8/16)
    header     NAND header value
    nandflash                 use default board settings
    nandflash:2:8:0xc0098da5  use fully custom settings (IOSET2, 8-bit bus, header is 0xc0098da5)
    $percntORANGE$percntnandflash:::0xc0098da5    use default board settings but force header to 0xc0098da5$percntENDCOLOR$percnt
For information on NAND header values, please refer to SAMA5D4 datasheet section \"12.4.4 Detailed Memory Boot Procedures\".
By reading this in-line documentation we can specify the NAND PMECC parameter with this command:
# sam-ba -p serial -b  $percntORANGE$percnt-a nandflash:::0xc1e04e07$percntENDCOLOR$percnt
Opening serial port 'ttyACM0'
Connection opened.
Detected memory size is 536870912 bytes.
Page size is 4096 bytes.
Buffer is 20480 bytes (5 pages) at address 0x0020a240.
$percntORANGE$percntNAND header value is 0xc1e04e07.$percntENDCOLOR$percnt
Supported erase block sizes: 256KB
Connection closed.

$percntI$percnt when choosing the board variant with the -b parameter of SAM-BA, the default PMECC configuration for the NAND populated on the board is valid. You can verify its value by running the command that reads one byte in a dummy file (named test.bin in the following command):

# sam-ba -p serial -b  -a nandflash -c read:test.bin:0:1
Opening serial port 'ttyACM0'
Connection opened.
Detected memory size is 536870912 bytes.
Page size is 4096 bytes.
Buffer is 12288 bytes (3 pages) at address 0x003085a0.
$percntORANGE$percntNAND header value is 0xc2605007.$percntENDCOLOR$percnt
Supported erase block sizes: 256KB
Executing command 'read:test.bin:0:1'
Read 1 bytes at address 0x00000000 (100.00%)
Connection closed.
You can figure out that the default PMECC parameter for this == board is $percntORANGE$percnt0xc2605007$percntENDCOLOR$percnt.

$percntH$percnt: Note that if you connect a serial console to the SoC RomCode default UART, you can see even more details about the NAND ECC parameters given by the SAM-BA Applet:

Applet 'NAND Flash' from SAM-BA Applets Framework 3.8 (v3.8).
Initializing NAND ioSet1 Bus Width 8
PMECC configuration: 0xc2605007
Sector size: 512
Sectors per page: 8
Spare size: 256
ECC bits: 8
ECC offset: 152
ECC size: 104
PMECC enabled
Buffer Address: 0x003085a0
Buffer Size: 12288 bytes
NAND applet initialized successfully.

If you want to change the default PMECC parameters you can simply specify another value on the SAM-BA command line with the -a nandflash argument as shown below:

# sam-ba -p serial -b  -a nandflash:help
Syntax: nandflash:[<ioset>]:[<bus_width>]:[<header>]
    ioset      I/O set
    bus_width  NAND bus width (8/16)
    header     NAND header value
    nandflash                 use default board settings
    nandflash:2:8:0xc0098da5  use fully custom settings (IOSET2, 8-bit bus, header is 0xc0098da5)
    $percntORANGE$percntnandflash:::0xc0098da5    use default board settings but force header to 0xc0098da5$percntENDCOLOR$percnt
For information on NAND header values, please refer to SAMA5D4 datasheet section \"12.4.4 Detailed Memory Boot Procedures\".
By reading this in-line documentation we can specify the NAND PMECC parameter with this command:
# sam-ba -p serial -b  $percntORANGE$percnt-a nandflash:::0xc2605007$percntENDCOLOR$percnt
Opening serial port 'ttyACM0'
Connection opened.
Detected memory size is 536870912 bytes.
Page size is 4096 bytes.
Buffer is 20480 bytes (5 pages) at address 0x0020a240.
$percntORANGE$percntNAND header value is 0xc2605007.$percntENDCOLOR$percnt
Supported erase block sizes: 256KB
Connection closed.

$percntI$percnt when choosing the board variant with the -b parameter of SAM-BA, the default PMECC configuration for the NAND populated on the board is valid. You can verify its value by running the command that reads one byte in a dummy file (named test.bin in the following command):

$percntX$percnt before accessing the NAND flash, you have to initialize the external RAM:

# sam-ba -p serial -b sam9xx5-ek -a extram

# sam-ba -p serial -b sam9xx5-ek -a nandflash -c read:test.bin:0:1
Opening serial port 'ttyACM0'
Connection opened.
Compatible device detected: SAM9G35.
Detected memory size is 268435456 bytes.
Page size is 2048 bytes.
Buffer is 131072 bytes (64 pages) at address 0x2000a000.
$percntORANGE$percntNAND header value is 0xc0c00405.$percntENDCOLOR$percnt
Supported erase block sizes: 128KB
Executing command 'read:test.bin:0:1'
Read 1 bytes at address 0x00000000 (100.00%)
Connection closed.
You can figure out that the default PMECC parameter for this sam9xx5-ek board is $percntORANGE$percnt0xc0c00405$percntENDCOLOR$percnt.

$percntH$percnt: Note that if you connect a serial console to the SoC RomCode default UART, you can see even more details about the NAND ECC parameters given by the SAM-BA Applet:

Applet 'NAND Flash' from softpack 3.8 (v3.8).
Initializing NAND ioSet1 Bus Width 16
PMECC configuration: 0xc0c00405
Sector size: 512
Sectors per page: 4
Spare size: 64
ECC bits: 2
ECC offset: 48
ECC size: 16
PMECC enabled
Buffer Address: 0x2000a000
Buffer Size: 67065856 bytes
NAND applet initialized successfully.

If you want to change the default PMECC parameters you can simply specify another value on the SAM-BA command line with the -a nandflash argument as shown below:

# sam-ba -p serial -b sam9xx5-ek -a nandflash:help
Syntax: nandflash:[<ioset>]:[<bus_width>]:[<header>]
    ioset      I/O set
    bus_width  NAND bus width (8/16)
    header     NAND header value
    nandflash                 use default board settings
    nandflash:2:8:0xc0098da5  use fully custom settings (IOSET2, 8-bit bus, header is 0xc0098da5)
    $percntORANGE$percntnandflash:::0xc0098da5    use default board settings but force header to 0xc0098da5$percntENDCOLOR$percnt
For information on NAND header values, please refer to SAMA5D4 datasheet section \"12.4.4 Detailed Memory Boot Procedures\".
By reading this in-line documentation we can specify the NAND PMECC parameter with this command:
# sam-ba -p serial -b sam9xx5-ek $percntORANGE$percnt-a nandflash:::0xc0c00405$percntENDCOLOR$percnt
Opening serial port 'ttyACM0'
Connection opened.
Compatible device detected: SAM9G35.
Detected memory size is 268435456 bytes.
Page size is 2048 bytes.
Buffer is 131072 bytes (64 pages) at address 0x2000a000.
$percntORANGE$percntNAND header value is 0xc0c00405.$percntENDCOLOR$percnt
Supported erase block sizes: 128KB
Connection closed.

Configure NAND ECC

Using default PMECC parameters

$percntI$percnt when choosing the board variant with the -b parameter of SAM-BA, the default PMECC configuration for the NAND populated on the board is valid. You can verify its value by running the command that reads one byte in a dummy file (named test.bin in the following command):

# sam-ba -p serial -b  -a nandflash -c read:test.bin:0:1
Opening serial port 'ttyACM0'
Connection opened.
Detected memory size is 536870912 bytes.
Page size is 4096 bytes.
Buffer is 20480 bytes (5 pages) at address 0x0020a240.
$percntORANGE$percntNAND header value is 0xc1e04e07.$percntENDCOLOR$percnt
Supported erase block sizes: 256KB
Executing command 'read:test.bin:0:1'
Read 1 bytes at address 0x00000000 (100.00%)
Connection closed.
You can figure out that the default PMECC parameter for this == board is $percntORANGE$percnt0xc1e04e07$percntENDCOLOR$percnt.

$percntH$percnt: Note that if you connect a serial console to the SoC RomCode default UART, you can see even more details about the NAND ECC parameters given by the SAM-BA Applet:

Applet 'NAND Flash' from softpack 3.8 (v3.8).
Initializing NAND ioSet1 Bus Width 8
PMECC configuration: 0xc1e04e07
Sector size: 512
Sectors per page: 8
Spare size: 224
ECC bits: 8
ECC offset: 120
ECC size: 104
PMECC enabled
Buffer Address: 0x0020a240
Buffer Size: 20480 bytes
NAND applet initialized successfully.

If you want to change the default PMECC parameters you can simply specify another value on the SAM-BA command line with the -a nandflash argument as shown below:

# sam-ba -p serial -b  -a nandflash:help
Syntax: nandflash:[<ioset>]:[<bus_width>]:[<pmecc_cfg>]
    ioset      I/O set
    bus_width  NAND bus width (8/16)
    header     NAND header value
    nandflash                 use default board settings
    nandflash:2:8:0xc0098da5  use fully custom settings (IOSET2, 8-bit bus, header is 0xc0098da5)
    $percntORANGE$percntnandflash:::0xc0098da5    use default board settings but force header to 0xc0098da5$percntENDCOLOR$percnt
For information on NAND header values, please refer to SAMA5D4 datasheet section \"12.4.4 Detailed Memory Boot Procedures\".
By reading this in-line documentation we can specify the NAND PMECC parameter with this command:
# sam-ba -p serial -b  $percntORANGE$percnt-a nandflash:::0xc1e04e07$percntENDCOLOR$percnt
Opening serial port 'ttyACM0'
Connection opened.
Detected memory size is 536870912 bytes.
Page size is 4096 bytes.
Buffer is 20480 bytes (5 pages) at address 0x0020a240.
$percntORANGE$percntNAND header value is 0xc1e04e07.$percntENDCOLOR$percnt
Supported erase block sizes: 256KB
Connection closed.

Run SAM-BA with USB connection (equivalent to serial) and erase the beginning of the NAND flash and then write AT91Bootstrap binary:

# sam-ba -p serial -b  -a nandflash -c erase::$percntBLUE$percnt0x40000$percntENDCOLOR$percnt -c writeboot:at91bootstrap-.bin
Opening serial port 'ttyACM0'
Connection opened.
Detected memory size is 536870912 bytes.
Page size is 4096 bytes.
Buffer is 20480 bytes (5 pages) at address 0x0020a240.
NAND header value is 0xc1e04e07.
$percntBLUE$percntSupported erase block sizes: 256KB$percntENDCOLOR$percnt
Executing command 'erase::0x40000'
Erased 262144 bytes at address 0x00000000 (100.00%)
Executing command 'writeboot:at91bootstrap-.bin'
Prepended NAND header prefix (0xc1e04e07)
Appending 4008 bytes of padding to fill the last written page
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x00000000 (83.33%)
Wrote 4096 bytes at address 0x00005000 (100.00%)
Connection closed.

Run SAM-BA with USB connection (equivalent to serial) and erase the beginning of the NAND flash and then write AT91Bootstrap binary:

# sam-ba -p serial -b sam9xx5-ek -a nandflash -c erase::$percntBLUE$percnt0x40000$percntENDCOLOR$percnt -c writeboot:at91bootstrap.bin
Opening serial port 'ttyACM0'
Connection opened.
Compatible device detected: SAM9G35.
Detected memory size is 268435456 bytes.
Page size is 2048 bytes.
Buffer is 131072 bytes (64 pages) at address 0x2000a000.
NAND header value is 0xc0c00405.
$percntBLUE$percntSupported erase block sizes: 128KB$percntENDCOLOR$percnt
Executing command 'erase::0x40000'
Erased 131072 bytes at address 0x00000000 (50.00%)
Erased 131072 bytes at address 0x00020000 (100.00%)
Executing command 'writeboot:at91bootstrap.bin'
Prepended NAND header prefix (0xc0c00405)
Appending 1380 bytes of padding to fill the last written page
Wrote 14336 bytes at address 0x00000000 (100.00%)
Connection closed.

Run SAM-BA with USB connection (equivalent to serial) and erase the beginning of the NAND flash and then write AT91Bootstrap binary:

# sam-ba -p serial -b  -a nandflash -c erase::$percntBLUE$percnt0x40000$percntENDCOLOR$percnt -c writeboot:at91bootstrap-.bin
Opening serial port 'ttyACM0'
Connection opened.
Detected memory size is 536870912 bytes.
Page size is 4096 bytes.
Buffer is 20480 bytes (5 pages) at address 0x0020a240.
NAND header value is 0xc2605007.
$percntBLUE$percntSupported erase block sizes: 256KB$percntENDCOLOR$percnt
Executing command 'erase::0x40000'
Erased 262144 bytes at address 0x00000000 (100.00%)
Executing command 'writeboot:at91bootstrap-.bin'
Prepended NAND header prefix (0xc1e04e07)
Appending 4008 bytes of padding to fill the last written page
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x00000000 (83.33%)
Wrote 4096 bytes at address 0x00005000 (100.00%)
Connection closed.

Run SAM-BA with USB connection (equivalent to serial) and erase the U-Boot section in the NAND flash memory map and then write U-Boot binary:

# sam-ba -p serial -b  -a nandflash -c erase:0x40000:0x80000 -c write:u-boot-.bin:0x40000
Opening serial port 'ttyACM0'
Connection opened.
Detected memory size is 536870912 bytes.
Page size is 4096 bytes.
Buffer is 20480 bytes (5 pages) at address 0x0020a240.
NAND header value is 0xc1e04e07.
Supported erase block sizes: 256KB
Executing command 'erase:0x40000:0x80000'
Erased 262144 bytes at address 0x00040000 (50.00%)
Erased 262144 bytes at address 0x00080000 (100.00%)
Executing command 'write:u-boot-.bin:0x40000'
Appending 3137 bytes of padding to fill the last written page
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x00040000 (4.59%)
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x00045000 (9.17%)
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x0004a000 (13.76%)
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x00094000 (81.65%)
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x00099000 (86.24%)
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x0009e000 (90.83%)
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x000a3000 (95.41%)
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x000a8000 (100.00%)
Connection closed.

Run SAM-BA with USB connection (equivalent to serial) and erase the U-Boot section in the NAND flash memory map and then write U-Boot binary:

# sam-ba -p serial -b sam9xx5-ek -a nandflash -c erase:0x40000:0x80000 -c write:u-boot.bin:0x40000
Opening serial port 'ttyACM0'
Connection opened.
Compatible device detected: SAM9G35.
Detected memory size is 268435456 bytes.
Page size is 2048 bytes.
Buffer is 131072 bytes (64 pages) at address 0x2000a000.
NAND header value is 0xc0c00405.
Supported erase block sizes: 128KB
Executing command 'erase:0x40000:0x80000'
Erased 131072 bytes at address 0x00040000 (25.00%)
Erased 131072 bytes at address 0x00060000 (50.00%)
Erased 131072 bytes at address 0x00080000 (75.00%)
Erased 131072 bytes at address 0x000a0000 (100.00%)
Executing command 'write:u-boot.bin:0x40000'
Appending 640 bytes of padding to fill the last written page
Wrote 131072 bytes at address 0x00040000 (24.81%)
Wrote 131072 bytes at address 0x00060000 (49.61%)
Wrote 131072 bytes at address 0x00080000 (74.42%)
Wrote 131072 bytes at address 0x000a0000 (99.22%)
Wrote 4096 bytes at address 0x000c0000 (100.00%)
Connection closed.

Run SAM-BA with USB connection (equivalent to serial) and erase the U-Boot section in the NAND flash memory map and then write U-Boot binary:

# sam-ba -p serial -b  -a nandflash -c erase:0x40000:0x80000 -c write:u-boot-sam9x60-curiosity.bin:0x40000
Opening serial port 'ttyACM0'
Connection opened.
Detected memory size is 536870912 bytes.
Page size is 4096 bytes.
Buffer is 20480 bytes (5 pages) at address 0x0020a240.
NAND header value is 0xc2605007.
Supported erase block sizes: 256KB
Executing command 'erase:0x40000:0x80000'
Erased 262144 bytes at address 0x00040000 (50.00%)
Erased 262144 bytes at address 0x00080000 (100.00%)
Executing command 'write:u-boot-sam9x60-curiosity.bin:0x40000'
Appending 3137 bytes of padding to fill the last written page
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x00040000 (4.59%)
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x00045000 (9.17%)
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x0004a000 (13.76%)
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x00094000 (81.65%)
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x00099000 (86.24%)
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x0009e000 (90.83%)
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x000a3000 (95.41%)
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x000a8000 (100.00%)
Connection closed.

Programming components into NAND

Program AT91Bootstrap binary

Run SAM-BA with USB connection (equivalent to serial) and erase the beginning of the NAND flash and then write AT91Bootstrap binary:

# sam-ba -p serial -b  -a nandflash -c erase::$percntBLUE$percnt0x40000$percntENDCOLOR$percnt -c writeboot:at91bootstrap-.bin
Opening serial port 'ttyACM0'
Connection opened.
Detected memory size is 536870912 bytes.
Page size is 4096 bytes.
Buffer is 20480 bytes (5 pages) at address 0x0020a240.
NAND header value is 0xc1e04e07.
$percntBLUE$percntSupported erase block sizes: 256KB$percntENDCOLOR$percnt
Executing command 'erase::0x40000'
Erased 262144 bytes at address 0x00000000 (100.00%)
Executing command 'writeboot:at91bootstrap-.bin'
Prepended NAND header prefix (0xc1e04e07)
Appending 4008 bytes of padding to fill the last written page
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x00000000 (83.33%)
Wrote 4096 bytes at address 0x00005000 (100.00%)
Connection closed.

Program U-Boot binary

Run SAM-BA with USB connection (equivalent to serial) and erase the U-Boot section in the NAND flash memory map and then write U-Boot binary:

# sam-ba -p serial -b  -a nandflash -c erase:0x40000:0x80000 -c write:u-boot-.bin:0x40000
Opening serial port 'ttyACM0'
Connection opened.
Detected memory size is 536870912 bytes.
Page size is 4096 bytes.
Buffer is 20480 bytes (5 pages) at address 0x0020a240.
NAND header value is 0xc1e04e07.
Supported erase block sizes: 256KB
Executing command 'erase:0x40000:0x80000'
Erased 262144 bytes at address 0x00040000 (50.00%)
Erased 262144 bytes at address 0x00080000 (100.00%)
Executing command 'write:u-boot-.bin:0x40000'
Appending 3137 bytes of padding to fill the last written page
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x00040000 (4.59%)
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x00045000 (9.17%)
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x0004a000 (13.76%)
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x00094000 (81.65%)
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x00099000 (86.24%)
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x0009e000 (90.83%)
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x000a3000 (95.41%)
Wrote 20480 bytes at address 0x000a8000 (100.00%)
Connection closed.

Programming components into SPI flash

Program AT91Bootstrap binary

Run SAM-BA with USB connection (equivalent to serial) and erase the beginning of the SPI flash and then write AT91Bootstrap binary:

# sam-ba -p serial -b sama5d2-xplained -a serialflash -c erase::0x3000 -c writeboot:at91bootstrap-sama5d2_xplained.bin
Opening serial port 'ttyACM0'
Connection opened.
Detected memory size is 4194304 bytes.
Page size is 256 bytes.
Buffer is 93952 bytes (367 pages) at address 0x002290c0.
Supported erase block sizes: 4KB, 32KB, 64KB
Executing command 'erase::0x3000'
Erased 4096 bytes at address 0x00000000 (33.33%)
Erased 4096 bytes at address 0x00001000 (66.67%)
Erased 4096 bytes at address 0x00002000 (100.00%)
Executing command 'writeboot:at91bootstrap-sama5d2_xplained.bin'
Appending 56 bytes of padding to fill the last written page
Wrote 10752 bytes at address 0x00000000 (100.00%)
Connection closed.

$percntH$percnt Note that you can run several commands on the same SAM-BA invocation.

Program U-Boot binary

Run SAM-BA with USB connection (equivalent to serial) and erase the U-Boot section in the SPI flash memory map and then write U-Boot binary:

# sam-ba -p serial -b sama5d2-xplained -a serialflash -c erase:0x8000:0x70000 -c write:u-boot-sama5d2-xplained.bin:0x8000
Opening serial port 'ttyACM0'
Connection opened.
Detected memory size is 4194304 bytes.
Page size is 256 bytes.
Buffer is 93952 bytes (367 pages) at address 0x002290c0.
Supported erase block sizes: 4KB, 32KB, 64KB
Executing command 'erase:0x8000:0x70000'
Erased 32768 bytes at address 0x00008000 (7.14%)
Erased 65536 bytes at address 0x00010000 (21.43%)
Erased 65536 bytes at address 0x00020000 (35.71%)
Erased 65536 bytes at address 0x00030000 (50.00%)
Erased 65536 bytes at address 0x00040000 (64.29%)
Erased 65536 bytes at address 0x00050000 (78.57%)
Erased 65536 bytes at address 0x00060000 (92.86%)
Erased 32768 bytes at address 0x00070000 (100.00%)
Executing command 'write:u-boot-sama5d2-xplained.bin:0x8000'
Appending 118 bytes of padding to fill the last written page
Wrote 93952 bytes at address 0x00008000 (23.30%)
Wrote 93952 bytes at address 0x0001ef00 (46.60%)
Wrote 93952 bytes at address 0x00035e00 (69.90%)
Wrote 93952 bytes at address 0x0004cd00 (93.21%)
Wrote 27392 bytes at address 0x00063c00 (100.00%)
Connection closed.

Programming components into eMMC flash

Program rootfs file

With SAM-BA you can directly program SD/MMC images to the on-board eMMC. These images are named *.img or *.wic for the ones generated by Yocto Project.

# sam-ba -p serial -b sama5d2-xplained -a sdmmc -c write:atmel-qt5-demo-image-sama5d2-xplained.wic
Opening serial port 'ttyACM0'
Connection opened.
Detected memory size is 3925868544 bytes.
Page size is 512 bytes.
Buffer is 88576 bytes (173 pages) at address 0x0022a5a0.
Executing command 'write:atmel-qt5-demo-image-sama5d2-xplained.wic'
Wrote 88576 bytes at address 0x00000000 (0.02%)
Wrote 88576 bytes at address 0x00015a00 (0.04%)
Wrote 88576 bytes at address 0x0002b400 (0.05%)
Wrote 88576 bytes at address 0x00040e00 (0.07%)
Wrote 88576 bytes at address 0x00056800 (0.09%)
Wrote 88576 bytes at address 0x1d4e8600 (99.98%)
Wrote 88576 bytes at address 0x1d4fe000 (100.00%)
Wrote 4608 bytes at address 0x1d513a00 (100.00%)
Connection closed.

$percntH$percnt Note that programming a rootfs of several hundreds of MiB will take a few minutes to complete.

Programming components into eMMC flash

Program rootfs file

With SAM-BA you can directly program SD/MMC images to the on-board eMMC. These images are named *.img or *.wic for the ones generated by Yocto Project.

# sam-ba -p serial -b sama7g5-ek -a sdmmc -c write:microchip-demo-image-sama7g5ek.wic
Opening serial port 'ttyACM0'
Connection opened.
Detected memory size is 3925868544 bytes.
Page size is 512 bytes.
Buffer is 88576 bytes (173 pages) at address 0x0022a5a0.
Executing command 'write:microchip-demo-image-sama7g5ek.wic'
Wrote 88576 bytes at address 0x00000000 (0.02%)
Wrote 88576 bytes at address 0x00015a00 (0.04%)
Wrote 88576 bytes at address 0x0002b400 (0.05%)
Wrote 88576 bytes at address 0x00040e00 (0.07%)
Wrote 88576 bytes at address 0x00056800 (0.09%)
Wrote 88576 bytes at address 0x1d4e8600 (99.98%)
Wrote 88576 bytes at address 0x1d4fe000 (100.00%)
Wrote 4608 bytes at address 0x1d513a00 (100.00%)
Connection closed.

$percntH$percnt Note that programming a rootfs of several hundreds of MiB will take a few minutes to complete.