Recent Changes in Linux4SAM Web retrieved at 13:54 (GMT)

Using FIT image and Device Tree Overlays How it works Using FIT with overlays Since U boot 2018.07, released with linux4sam 6.0, we have the feature of adding Device...
How to use the Atmel KMS/DRM LCD driver Introduction Since linux 3.18 at91, the recent Atmel SoCs have a new LCD driver that is based on the Linux KMS/DRM sub system...
Using ASRC (Asynchronous Sample Rate Converter) Introduction This page explains the usage of ASRC, available in SAMA7G5 SoCs. The Asynchronous Sample Rate Converter...
Use SAM BA Programming a demo can be done by using the .bat or .sh scripts provided or by using the SAM BA GUI. We`ll focus on the latest solution. The components...
U Boot FIT image support Introduction U Boot FIT image is a uImage format which can combine the Kernel zImage and Kernel dtbs. For more information, check the document...
USB gadget configuration Introduction This page is mainly about how to configure USB Gadget on Linux kernel. There are two ways to configure the USB Gadget framework...
Dedicated page on U Boot wiki: Boot/SourceCode You can easily download U Boot source code from GitHub U Boot repository: clone the Linux4sam...
U Boot FIT image support Introduction U Boot FIT image is a uImage format which can combine the Kernel zImage and Kernel dtbs. For more information, check the document...
U Boot FAQ How does U Boot auto detect the connected PDA on my board ? A: U Boot uses a specific GPIO pin to read a memory from the connected PDA. More information...
U Boot Introduction Das U Boot the Universal Boot Loader website is the main entry point for this bootloader / debugging tool available on several processors...

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r1 - 15 Nov 2006 - 19:43:52 - TWikiContributor
Linux & Open Source for AT91 Microchip Microprocessors

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